Hay everybody .. :)
Have you ever eat strawberry pancake? Yes , i did
huahahah. I make my own pancake. The taste is not too bad but the form of pancake looks unsure. yes. Don't judge it by its cover..
Oke i will share about my secret recipe .. ???
It is a very simple step to make delicious pancake
Okeee , don't say anything again. Let we see The Ingredients:

Flour, Egg, Sugar, Milk, Butter, and Baking Powder
1. You can mix the egg, butter, liquid milk, and vanili
2. Mix all of the flour, sugar and baking powder
3. The last, mix all of the ingredients from step 1 and step 2.
4. Finish :)
5. You can add a topping such as ice cream to make your pancake more delicious